Bobblehead Bunny Jjay ^^ - ♥ Swag ♥

☮9 October 2013☮ School Photo Day!

♥Hi my beautiful readers♥ Today it was time for our annual school photo day! And I wanted to make a little video with tips and other stuff about how to get ready for the school photo day! The video is going to be about what you can do the day before to really feel good for the photo and how to prepare yourself for the morning of the photo day! If you are like me and you have a really hard time to prepare and feel satisfied with your makeup, hair and clothes here are some tips for you! Hope you like it!
Hope you really enjoyed this post! I loved if you commented and I am really thankful for all of you guys! I love you guys and it makes me really happy that you read my blog! Thanks and stay awesome! :D

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