✿5 September 2013✿Cutie of the week!
♥Hello!♥ Today has been a freaking awesome day! At first I had school, not so fun but at least I got to meet my friends. But after school, when I went home to eat a bread with nutella (nomnomnom) my mom called and said that it was time for me to go riding. At first I was a little chocked but when I started to change into my ride-a-horse-outfit I started to get really exited about it. So my mom drove me to the horse ranch, and there stood 4 teens who also was there to go riding. It was so fun and from now on I am going on every Thursday after school to that ranch to ride a horse. I am so happy that I got a spot there! Now to the titel. Today when I was just looking around on the internet I came across this super cute (my favorite dog in the world!!) Samoyed. It is so fluffy and the background is so amazing and that is why this super cute doggy gets the titel "Cutie of the week". OMG, I just got an amazing idea. Let's start with a new thing, it won't be in every post just in the ones I think it should be in (like this one), I think I should start with these fact things that you can find every where. If you don't know what it is I think you will understand when you read this sentence. "Fact number 1: My dream is to own a samoyed!" Hope you like the idea and that you are looking forward to the next fact about me. Anyway here he is, cutie of the week! And oh, before I show you the picture I just wanted to say, Stay Awesome my beauties!
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