✿10 October 2013✿ My room project!
♥Hello!♥ Aren't you excited about the title?! I know I am, because I am going to start a little project here on the blog where I am going to fix my room! This is going to take a really long time and I have to start by just designing and drawing a sketch for my room. I have already started planning a little so that I have something for you guys next week to! This project needs lots of planning and tips, that's where you come in, guys! I need you to give me some ideas and tips for what you think looks pretty or just thinks fits me or my room. I am thinking that one post a week is good. You'll see some progress and I really hope you will get inspired to make your own project or something similar. I was inspired to start this project because my room is in great need of a renovation. I live in a really old house with my family and it's been a while since my room has been renovated. So after looking at hundreds of videos on YouTube about room decorating and designing I felt like it was time for me and my room. In this post I can't write so much about the project but I can say what colors I am using as a base for my room and also that I am going to use IKEA as my local advicer and supplier store. I hope you will really enjoy it and here is the color palette.
So if you really liked this post feel free to comment. I love all your comments and it makes me really happy when you write! Also feel free to share my blog to your friends! It really helps me and keeps me psyched to keep on writing! Stay Awesome you guys!
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